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SEO Strategies, 4 Important Pillars You Should Know

Written by Arif Mauldi, 11 October 2018

If you are working in a business industry, then you are expected to know about Search Engine Optimization (SEO). It has an important aspect, which is to make your website easy for both search engine robots and users to understand. The search engine has become increasingly sophisticated over the years. However, the search engine still can’t understand a web page the same way as a human can. That’s why you need SEO strategies to help the engines figure out what each page is about and how it may be useful.

However, in many cases, SEO can be complicated, especially when it comes to generating organic search results. It’s quite tricky to find out how many ranking factors are involved. It can be ten, thirty, or even hundreds. While there is a lot of information out there, there are most likely hundreds of variables play an important part to determine the final placement. But don’t worry because you can simplify things by using important pillars of SEO strategies.

On-site SEO optimization

The first pillar of SEO strategy is on-site optimization. Remember, your website should be optimized as a whole and also at an individual page level. Creating a well-structured content hierarchy is a good start for your website. If you have that kind of site, to apply a sensible optimization can be relatively straightforward. Just focus on some main areas such as keyword research, descriptive URLs, page titles, meta descriptions, content optimization, good UX, strong calls to actions, and structured data markup.

Using high-quality content

You should also make sure to use high-quality content because this is the most effective SEO strategy. Start with taking this from Google’s perspective. People use Google because its job is to fill the front page of search results with great content. If you are using questionable SEO techniques which makes your poor quality content appear on the first page, Google will eventually figure it out and they can penalize your site. Therefore, just focus on creating great content which is in their best interests to find and showcase it to people.

Don’t forget about technical SEO

You may think that technical SEO is a little daunting, but it is actually best for ensuring that a search engine can read your content and explore your site. Your content management system will take care of this and tools like Deep Crawl and Screaming Frog can explore your website and highlight technical problems. Make sure to consider some main areas like crawl, index, mobile, speed, tech, and hierarchy for the best result. Bring a website design and development to your consideration as well.

Choose the right targeted keywords

Keywords are very important in SEO because they are how Google links you to people who are looking for content. Try to target your content pieces towards specific search keywords. For example, if you choose keyword “search engine optimization”, make sure to include the keyword three to five times in your article and in a natural manner. You can also put the keyword in the page URL, article’s title, and the HTML title tag. Avoid over stuffing your page with the keyword because Google will recognize this as an attempt to game the system and penalize you in the rankings.

Those are some pillar of search engine optimization strategies you should know. As you may have figured, SEO strategies aren’t just about keywords. You can’t just give your site a minimum effort wish to dominate in the niche. Try to get the best SEO performance by considering these four pillars. Good luck!

Do you plan on to revamp your website? The “10 Steps Checklist for Your Next Website Redesign” have just the right materials to identify several key aspects to start!

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